omphalocele survival rate
The 2-year survival rate in liveborn neonates was 75 which is in concordance with previous literature4 20 The 2-year survival rate in prenatally diagnosed omphalocele was almost three times as low causing a considerable difference between prenatal and postnatal frames of reference of this anomaly. Survival rates with omphalocele depend upon the presence of associated chromosomal abnormalities or associated malformations. Treatment Of Gastroschisis And Omphalocele Download Table Babies diagnosed with omphalocele disorder usually do well in terms of their recovery. . The most frequent karyotype abnormality is trisomy 18. In cases of isolated omphalocele survival rate can be as high as 90 9 15. A baby with an omphalocele can survive especially if no major organs have problems. In contrast the overall survival rate of gastroschisis patients has markedly increased over the past two decades 91 percent in 1975 to 1980. Omphalocel...